This award honors Florida FBLA members who have made outstanding contributions to the association at the local, district, and state levels.



District:        Number of participants governed by local FBLA District policy. The five major state officers are ineligible to participate on the district level.


State:           Each FBLA District may enter one participant in addition to the five major state officers.  Participants must be on record in the FBLA-PBL state office as having paid state and national dues postmarked by December 1 of the current school year.


NOTE:  State officers must submit a portfolio as outlined in these guidelines to be eligible to represent Florida in this event at the NLC.


National:     See publication:  National Chapter Management Handbook—current edition.



District:        Each district determines its own procedures for event registration.


State:           Entry form provided in the SLC registration packet and portfolio must be sent to the state adviser's office by the local adviser received first-class mail by the date specified in the SLC registration packet.


National:     See publication:  National Chapter Management Handbook—current edition.



• Each entry must include a cover page with the following information:

• Student's name
• School
• Chapter name and charter number
• Adviser's name
• District number


• Each entry must be in the conference registration system by the date specified in the conference registration packet. It must be submitted as one PDF file and address all areas listed below. Also, refer to the rating sheet.


• Entries should show businesslike presentation and arrangement of all information and should exhibit student's competency in the use of business skills such as organization of information, grammar and usage, and keyboarding. 


• Entries must be accompanied by a single form showing sponsor's or other official's certification of all activities included in the report (including all FBLA and other school, civic, and social activities)(See rating sheet)


• Entries not following these procedures shall be disqualified.


• Criteria to be considered in the selection of the nominee for this event shall include:


• Years of participation in FBLA activities

• Offices, chairmanships, and committee memberships held on local, state, and
 national levels

• District, state, regional and national conference participation

• Contributions to chapter projects and participation in state and nationally
 approved projects

• Recommendations supportive of member's involvement in FBLA

• Contributions to and participation in other activities




Reports will be reviewed at the state level for adherence to the stated criteria for nomination.  Competent judges will verify point totals claimed by each participant on the Report Rating Sheet.  All decisions of the judges are final.




One Who's Who member from each region along with the five state officers will be recognized at the annual State Leadership Conference.  One member from this group will be selected to represent Florida at National.