- Who is Florida FBLA Collegiate?
- Collegiate SLC Winners
- Adopt-a-Chapter
- Bylaws
- Competitive Event Guidelines
- Competitive Event Rating Sheets
- Competitive Event Regulations
- Competitive Event Topics
- Dues
- Join Florida FBLA
- March of Dimes
- Membership Awards
- Collegiate State Officers
- Scholarship
- Standards of Mailability
This event provides members with the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge around competencies in communication. This competitive event consists of a production test.
Division: Collegiate Event
Type: Individual
Event Category: Production
Elements: Production Test
Production Test Time: 1 hour
NACE Connections: Career & Self-Development
• Mechanics of Appropriate Business English
• Format and Appropriateness of Business Messages
• Format and Style Differences with International Communications
• Interpretation and Nonverbal Concepts
• Communication Techniques
State: Each chapter may enter six contestants in each production event.
When it has been determined that an individual will represent the charter at state competition, the appropriate forms must be received by the date specified in the SLC registration packet.
• FBLA membership dues are paid by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on February 1 of the current program year.
• Members must be registered for the SLC and pay the state conference registration fee to participate in competitive events.
• Members must stay in an official FBLA hotel block to compete.
• Each chapter may submit up to six individuals in this event.
• On the state level, each member can compete in up to three different events in the following combinations: three objective tests OR two objective tests and one performance OR two objective tests and one production or one objective test and two production OR one objective test, one performance, and one production. Students may enter the Christopher Heider, Rob Kelleher, Who’s Who event, and one Chapter event in addition to their above chosen events.
• Only competitors are allowed to plan, research, prepare, and set up their presentations.
• Each competitor must compete in all parts of an event for award eligibility.
• Picture identification (physical or digital: driver’s license, passport, state-issued identification, or school-issued identification) matching the conference nametag is required when checking in for competitive events.
• If competitors are late for their assigned productiontime, they will be allowed to compete if the proctor allows it.
• Participants must adhere to the dress code established by the Florida FBLA Board of Directors or they will not be permitted to participate in the competitive event.
• This event has one part: Production Test
• Production Test
o The production test is administered and proctored at the school site prior to the State Leadership Conference.
o The production test is a set of tasks based on the competencies for the competitor to complete.
o Grammar assistance and use of Artificial Intelligence is not allowed in this event. Any use may result in disqualification. Spell check can be used.
o The Production Test Reference Guide (formerly known as the Format Guide), found on the Competitive Events website (www.fbla.org) can be used for the production test.
• The rating sheet will be released with the production test.
• The Production Test Reference Guide can be used.
• The production test score will determine winners. Judges must break ties.
• The decision of the judges is considered final. All announced results are final upon the conclusion of the State Leadership Conference.
If competing at the National level, be sure to check guidelines at www.fbla.org.
• FBLA meets the criteria specified in the Americans with Disabilities Act for all competitors with accommodations submitted through the conference registration system by the registration deadline.
• Competitors may be disqualified if they violate the Code of Conduct or the Honor Code.
• Unless a pre-approved accommodation is in place, all cell phones, smart watches, and headphones must be turned off and put away before competition begins. Any visibility of these devices will be considered a violation of the Honor Code.
State The number of awards presented at the State Leadership Conference is determined by judges and/or number of entries. The maximum number will be four.
National The number of awards presented at the National Leadership Conference is determined by judges and/or number of entries. The maximum number will be ten.