- Who is Florida FBLA Collegiate?
- Collegiate SLC Winners
- Adopt-a-Chapter
- Bylaws
- Competitive Event Guidelines
- Competitive Event Rating Sheets
- Competitive Event Regulations
- Competitive Event Topics
- Dues
- Join Florida FBLA
- March of Dimes
- Membership Awards
- Collegiate State Officers
- Scholarship
- Standards of Mailability
Revised July 2023
Section 1. The name of this division of the Florida FBLA-PBL Association and Foundation, Inc. shall be the "Florida State Chapter of FBLA Collegiate" and may be referred to as "FBLA Collegiate."
Section 1. The purpose of FBLA Collegiate is to provide opportunities for postsecondary and college students to develop competencies for business and business-related occupations FBLA Collegiate is an integral part of the instructional program and, in addition, promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility.
Section 2. The specific goals of FBLA Collegiate are to:
A. Develop competent, aggressive business leadership;
B. Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work;
C. Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise;
D. Encourage members in the development of individual projects which contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community;
E. Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism;
F. Encourage and practice efficient money management;
G. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty;
H. Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals; and
I. Facilitate the transition from school to work.
Section 1. FBLA Collegiate membership shall consist of members of chartered local chapters. These members shall hold membership in their local, state, and national chapters.
Section 2. Florida FBLA Collegiate, as well as the local chapters, shall be open for membership to the three (3) following classes of members:
Active Members shall be students participating in business or business-related fields that accept the purpose of FBLA Collegiate and subscribe to its creed, demonstrate willingness to contribute to good school-community relations, and possess qualities for employment. Active members shall pay dues as established by FBLA Collegiate and may participate in national and state events in accordance with the guidelines of the National Awards Program and the State Awards Program, serve as voting delegates to the National Leadership Conference and the State Leadership conference, hold national and/or state office, and otherwise represent their state and local chapters as approved by their respective state and local advisers.
Alumni Members shall be persons associated with or participating in the professional development of FBLA as approved by state chapters. Such members may include local and state chapter advisers, business teachers, business teacher educators, state supervisors of business and office education, employers or supervisors of cooperative work-training students, advisory council members, business persons, and other persons contributing to the growth and development of FBLA. Alumni members shall pay dues as established by Florida FBLA Board of Directors.
Honorary Life Members shall be persons who are assisting in the advancement of business and office education and/or who are rendering outstanding service to FBLA Collegiate. Honorary life members shall not vote or hold office and shall not be required to pay dues.
Section 3. By paying dues and becoming a member of Florida FBLA Collegiate, each student agrees to be bound by the association bylaws, guidelines, code of conduct, dress codes, and competitive events guidelines and requirements.
Section 1. State membership dues shall be $10.00 per year per member, and are due by February 1 of each year.
Section 1. The Florida Chapter of FBLA Collegiate shall be an association of local chapters, each operating in accordance with a charter granted by the FBLA-FBLA Collegiate, Inc.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall serve as the policy making body of this organization. There shall be a State Executive Council, which shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors and perform other duties as prescribed by these bylaws.
Section 3. The administration of FBLA Collegiate shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The State Executive Council shall perform those duties as prescribed in these bylaws.
Section 5. There shall be five (5) administrative districts: District I, II, III, IV, V.
A. Each administrative district shall have a District Director who shall have been or is currently serving as an active local FBLA Collegiate chapter adviser and who shall serve as a voting member of the State Executive Council.
B. Each District Director shall be nominated by the respective District Executive Council and appointed by the State Adviser.
C. Each District Director shall serve for a term of two (2) years. Each term shall begin at the close of the National Leadership Conference. Each District Director shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms. If no other local chapter adviser accepts the position of District Director, then the outgoing District Director is permitted to accept the position and succeed himself/herself. Any District Director not able to complete his/her term shall be relieved of duties either by mutual consent of the State Adviser or a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the State Executive Council. Vacancies in the office shall be filled by recommendation of the State Executive Council and approval by the State Adviser.
D. District Directors shall present a district financial report to the State Adviser and at the district meeting at the State Leadership Conference and shall be responsible and accountable for all district finances.
Section 6. Local chapter charters shall be issued from the national office upon approval of the State Adviser.
Section 7. Each local chapter shall have an adviser who shall be a faculty member from the business area or school employee approved by the administration of the post-secondary institution to represent the chapter.
Section 1. State Officers. Officers of the Florida chapter shall consist of a President, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Financial Development, Vice President of Membership, and Parliamentarian.
Section 2. The President, with the assistance of the State Adviser, shall appoint a Parliamentarian, who shall be the applicant making the highest score on the written test for the Parliamentary Procedure competition, and having at least one (1) full school year remaining before graduation.
Section 3. All newly elected or appointed state officers' dues must be received by the national office prior to October 20. Failure to pay said dues within the allotted time may result in the removal from office.
Section 4. Qualification for State Office.
A. Only active members are eligible to hold state office.
B. Only those applicants who are present at the State Leadership Conference and officially certified by the Officer Screening Committee, which shall consist of the State Executive Council or Board Members, are eligible for nomination. No pre-campaigning of any kind shall be permitted. Candidates running for office and their campaign materials must be approved by the screening committee. No campaign activities will be permitted until after the close of the first general session. Any candidate who pre-campaigns shall be eliminated from the committee's list of nominees.
C. To be considered for an office in FBLA Collegiate, a candidate shall:
1. have at least one (1) full school year remaining;
2. hold or have held an elective office in his/her local FBLA Collegiate chapter or have previously served as a state officer in FBLA or FBLA Collegiate;
3. be recommended by the chapter adviser(s) and endorsed by the local chapter;
4. file an official application with the State Adviser according to policy set by the Board of Directors; and
5. be approved by the Officer Screening Committee.
Section 5. Elections.
A. The President, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Financial Development, and Vice President of Membership shall be elected annually at a general session of the State Leadership Conference by the local chapter voting delegates.
B. The state officers shall be elected by a secret ballot vote of the voting delegates. A plurality vote shall be required for election. The method of secret ballot shall be that method stated in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, current edition.
C. No more than one (1) state officer shall be elected from the same local chapter. Unopposed candidates and appointed Parliamentarians shall not be eliminated because of this restriction.
Section 6. Term of Office. State officers shall be elected for one (1) year or until their successors are elected or appointed, and their term of office shall begin at the close of the State Leadership Conference.
Section 7. Vacancy in Office. A vacancy in any office, other than that of President, shall be filled by appointment by the President with the approval of the State Adviser. Should the office of President become vacant, the Vice-President of Membership shall become acting President until the State Executive Council can appoint a new President.
Section 8. Removal from Office. If any officer fails to carry out the duties as described in the bylaws or Policies and Procedures Handbook or exhibits conduct inappropriate of a state officer, the officer may be removed from office by any one of the following methods: an action by the Board of Directors or if the Board of Directors is not currently meeting, the state adviser may remove an officer.
Section 1. The President shall serve as chairman of the State Executive Council; preside over the council meetings and business meetings of FBLA Collegiate; appoint appropriate committees and committee chairpersons; serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of all committees; appoint a state Parliamentarian with the assistance of the State Adviser; serve as the FBLA Collegiate student representative member of the Board of Directors and perform other duties for the promotion and development of local, state and national FBLA Collegiate.
Section 2. The Vice President of Communications shall keep an accurate record of all state business meetings; supply promptly at least one (1) typewritten copy of the minutes and substantiating reports to the President and the State Adviser; and initiate communication with state officers to promote quality articles for state, southern region, and national publications. The Vice President of Financial Development shall work with the Florida FBLA FBLA Collegiate Foundation to promote and foster sponsorships and partnerships and work with chapters in supporting the state and national project. The Vice President of Membership shall assist in the establishment, maintenance, and coordination of recruitment and retention of members and chapters, as well as serving as the liaison to the districts in assisting with planning activities.
Section 3. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of all state meetings, according to Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, current edition, to ensure organized meetings presided over by the President; and assist all local chapters with parliamentary procedure.
Section 4. These officers shall serve on the State Executive Council and perform such duties as directed by the President, the State Adviser, and the Board of Directors, which duties must be consistent with these bylaws and other rules adopted by FBLA Collegiate.
Section 1. Qualifications for National Office. Members wishing to run for a national office must meet all qualifications as set forth in the National Bylaws, must mail their written intent to run and a resume to the State Adviser postmarked no later than January 1, and be approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Elections.
A. Only those applicants who are present at the State Leadership Conference and officially certified by the Officer Screening Committee shall be eligible for nomination. Applicants who pass screening and are approved by the Board of Directors will then campaign at the State Leadership Conference to be Florida's candidate for national office at the National Leadership Conference.
B. Local chapter voting delegates will cast a secret ballot for an applicant at the same general session when the state officers are elected. A plurality vote shall be required for election. The method of secret ballot shall be that method stated in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, current edition.
C. Applicants running unopposed who do not receive a plurality vote of the voting delegates will not have the endorsement of the State Chapter and will therefore be unable to run for national office that year.
Section 1. The State Leadership Conference shall be held each year. The date and location will be recommended by the State Adviser and approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Each local chapter in good standing shall be entitled to send two (2) to five (5) voting delegates and alternates from its active membership to the State Leadership Conference in accordance with the following:
Up to 25 members 2 voting delegates
26 - 50 members 3 voting delegates
51 - 75 members 4 voting delegates
Over 75 members 5 voting delegates
Section 3. All voting delegates of local chapters shall be officially certified by their respective advisers and their names submitted to the State Adviser by the date specified in the State Conference Registration Packet.
Section 4. Voting. Voting delegates shall be entitled to vote on all matters, which come before the general sessions and district meetings. Proxy votes are not permitted.
Section 5. Quorum. The quorum for all business meetings of the State Leadership Conference shall be a majority of registered voting delegates.
Section 1. The State Officers, District Directors of FBLA Collegiate, and State Adviser (or the chairperson of the Board of Directors if there is no State Adviser) shall, with the ex-officio non-voting members, constitute the State Executive Council.
Section 2. Meetings. Meetings shall be called by the President, or upon written request of three (3) voting members of the State Executive Council, upon approval of the State Adviser.
Section 3. Voting by Mail. Business of the State Executive Council may be conducted by mail at the discretion of the President. For adoption, action by mail shall require a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members eligible to vote, and shall be recorded in the minutes of the next regular meeting.
Section 1. Local chapters may select advisory committees to assist in the growth and development of their respective chapters.
Section 2. The President shall establish committees, appoint their members and assist these committees in their activities.
Section 3. Committee business may be conducted by mail at the discretion of the committee chairman. For adoption, action by mail shall require a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members eligible to vote and shall be reported to the committee members not later than the next regular meeting.
Section 1. The official colors of FBLA Collegiate shall be blue and gold.
Section 1. The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, current edition, shall govern FBLA Collegiate in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules of FBLA-FBLA Collegiate, Inc., these bylaws, or any special rules of order which FBLA Collegiate may adopt.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted in writing 30 days prior to any noticed board meeting to the state adviser or, if there is no state adviser, to the president of the Board of Directors. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Florida FBLA Board of Directors is required for adoption.
Section 1. There shall be two (2) FBLA Collegiate adviser representative members of the Board of Directors in addition to the division president.
Section 2. Other than the President, FBLA Collegiate representative members of the Board of Directors shall be nominated and elected according to the procedures established by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, a replacement will be nominated and approved by the Board of Directors before being submitted as a qualified replacement.
Section 4. The term of each representative, with the exception of the State President, shall be three (3) years.