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Impromptu Speaking provides members with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills around preparing and delivering a speech extemporaneously. This competitive event consists of a speech, with the topic being given on site.
Event Overview
Division: Collegiate
Event Type: Individual
Event Category: Presentation
Event Elements: Speech with a topic on site
Presentation Time: 10-minute preparation time, 5-minute presentation time
NACE Connections: Career & Self-Development, Communication, Leadership, Professionalism
Equipment Competitor Must Provide: Sharpened Pencil, Conference-provided nametag, Photo Identification, Attire that meets the Florida FBLA Dress Code.
Equipment FBLA Provides: Two notecards for each competitor for preliminary and final rounds, Topic given on-site.
· FBLA membership dues are paid by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on February 1st of the current program year.
· Members must be registered for the SLC and pay the state conference registration fee in order to participate in competitive events.
· Members must stay in an official FBLA hotel to be eligible to compete.
· Each chapter may submit one entry in this event.
· On the state level, each member can compete in up to three different events in the following combinations: three objective tests OR two objective tests and one performance OR two objective tests and one production or one objective test and two production OR one objective test, one performance, and one production. Students may enter the Christopher Heider, Rob Kelleher, Who’s Who event, and one Chapter event (Community Service Project or State of Chapter Presentation) in addition to their above chosen events.
· Picture identification (physical or digital: driver’s license, passport, state-issued identification, or school-issued identification) matching the conference nametag is required when checking in for competitive events.
· Each competitor must compete in all parts of an event for award eligibility.
· If competitors are late for an objective test, they may be either disqualified or permitted to begin late with no extension of the time as scheduled. If competitors are late for a presentation time, they may be disqualified or placed later in the schedule. The decision is solely up to the judges.
· Participants must adhere to the Florida FBLA dress code established by the Florida Board of Directors or they will not be permitted to participate in the competitive event.
· The number of competitors will determine the number of winners. The maximum number of winners for each competitive event is 4.
Event Administration
· This event has a preliminary and final presentation (speech) round. If there are less than 15 competitors registered, the presentation component will proceed directly to the final presentation round.
Preliminary Presentation Round (Speech)
o Preparation Time: 10 minutes
o Presentation Time: 5 minutes (one-minute warning)
o Question & Answer: None
o The presentation is judged at the SLC. Preliminary presentations are not open to conference attendees.
o Competitors/teams are randomly assigned to sections.
o The speech topic may be related to FBLA or business-related topics.
o Two notecards will be provided to each competitor and may be used during event preparation and role-play presentation. Information may be written on both sides of the notecards. Notecards will be collected following the speech.
o No additional reference materials, props, or visuals are allowed.
o Speeches are not open to conference attendees.
o Competition ethics demand that competitors do not discuss or reveal the role play until the event has ended.
Final Presentation Round (Speech)
o Preparation Time: 10 minutes
o Presentation Time: 5 minutes (one-minute warning)
o Question & Answer: None
o An equal number of competitors/teams from each section in the preliminary round will advance to the final round.
o If needed, the final round will follow the same guidelines as the preliminary round.
· The preliminary presentation score will determine the finalists.
· The final presentation score will determine the winners.
· Judges must break ties.
· All judges’ decisions are final. All announced results are final upon the conclusion of the National Leadership Conference.
Recording of Presentations
· No unauthorized audio or video recording devices will be allowed in any competitive event.
· Participants in the events should be aware FBLA reserves the right to record any presentation for use in study or training materials.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
· FBLA meets the criteria specified in the Americans with Disabilities Act for all competitors with accommodations submitted through the conference registration system by the registration deadline.
Penalty Points
· Competitors may be disqualified if they violate the Competitive Event Guidelines or the Honor Code.
Electronic Devices
· All electronic devices such as cell phones must be turned off. No watches of any type are allowed in the room.
If competing at the national level, be sure to see the National guidelines at https://www.fbla.org/collegiate/competitive-events/.