- Who is Florida FBLA Collegiate?
- Collegiate SLC Winners
- Adopt-a-Chapter
- Bylaws
- Competitive Event Guidelines
- Competitive Event Rating Sheets
- Competitive Event Regulations
- Competitive Event Topics
- Dues
- Join Florida FBLA
- March of Dimes
- Membership Awards
- Collegiate State Officers
- Scholarship
- Standards of Mailability
Florida FBLA-PBL is excited to introduce the "Adopt A Chapter" program. The purpose of Adopt A Chapter is to give an opportunity for collaboration to all levels of FBLA-PBL. Members in Middle Level and in High School Level FBLA will have the unique opportunity to interact with their collegiate counter parts in PBL. This will not only help with FBLA-PBL membership retention but also increase the overall quality of every Florida FBLA-PBL members' experience.
PBL Chapters can adopt a high school or middle school chapter and high school chapters can adopt a middle school chapter. Deadline to apply is November 1.