What is FBLA?
What is Florida FBLA
Florida FBLA encourages members to partake in multiple events and conferences across the state and nationally, enabling members to enhance their individual skills and gain monetary prizes, recognition, and business connections.
High School/Middle Level:
Florida FBLA High School and Middle Level is the state organization of Future Business Leaders of America dedicated to helping high school and middle school students improve their leadership skills and achieve academic goals.
Fun Fact: The first FBLA high school chapter was founded in 1948 at Hillsborough High School in Tampa and Florida has since grown with over 11,000 members across the state, making it one of the largest FBLA chapters in the country!
Florida Collegiate is a state organization of Future Business Leaders of America dedicated to helping college students improve their leadership skills and achieve their career goals.
Fun Fact: The first collegiate chapter was founded in 1948 at the University of Tampa.