July 19-20 FBLA-PBL Advisers’ Training, Championsgate
July 20-21 FBLA-PBL District Director Summit, Championsgate
July 21-22 FBLA-PBL Board of Directors Meeting, Championsgate
September 30 Receipt deadline for articles for the fall issue of Florida Communicator
October 4 Receipt deadline for State Fall Conference Registration
October 20 State and national initial dues deadline, to be eligible for Gold Seal Award
November 2-4 State Fall Leadership Conference, Championsgate
November 15 American Enterprise Day
November 16-17 National Fall Conference, Charlotte, NC
November 16 FBLA District Directors must have district test orders to State Adviser if
Competition is in December
November 30 Receipt deadline for articles for the winter issue of Florida Communicator
December 3 FBLA District Directors must have district test orders to State Adviser if
competition is in January or February
December 15 FBLA state and national dues must be postmarked, first-class mail, to be eligible for district, state, and national competition
January 1 Deadline for receipt of intent letters/resumes to run for national office
January 26-27 FBLA-PBL Board of Directors Meeting, TBA
January 30 Receipt deadline for articles for the spring issue of Florida Communicator
February 3-5 Tallahassee Trip for State FBLA and PBL Officers
February 3-9 FBLA/PBL WEEK
February 15 PBL State/National dues postmark deadline to be eligible for State Competition
February 22 FBLA and PBL received date for State Conference registration/hotel
reservations/pre-judged materials
March 22-25 FBLA State Leadership Conference, Hilton Orlando, Orlando
March 28-31 PBL State Leadership Conference, Doubletree SeaWorld, Orlando
April 20 and 27 FBLA-PBL Pre-NLCs, TBA
June 24-27 PBL National Leadership Conference, San Antonio, TX
June 29-July 2 FBLA National Leadership Conference, San Antonio, TX